Paris K. Kallas
Retired King County Superior Court Judge
Former Commissioner, State Court of Appeals, Division I
Judge Paris K. Kallas was appointed to the King County Superior Court in 2001 by Governor Gary Locke and served until 2010. Judge Kallas presided over the full range of civil and criminal cases, including complex litigation and high-profile matters. She served terms as Chief Civil Judge, Chief Asbestos Judge and also served on the Court’s Executive Committee. From 1996-2001, she served as a Commissioner of Division I of the Washington State Court of Appeals. While practicing law, she specialized in appellate practice, criminal defense, and general tort litigation.
Experience and Specialties
As a mediator, arbitrator, and special master, Judge Kallas handles personal injury, employment, discrimination, asbestos, maritime, insurance coverage and real property, business, and commercial disputes. She frequently speaks at Continuing Legal Education Seminars on topics including effective mediation practices and negotiation strategies, ethics, and civil trial practice.
Special Honors and Memberships
Chief Civil Judge, King County Superior Court
Chief Asbestos Judge, King County Superior Court
Chair, Ex Parte and Probate Committee, King County Superior Court
Chair, Local Rules Committee, King County Superior Court
Legal and Community Memberships:
Washington Super Lawyer, 2014 – Present
Member, American College of Civil Trial Mediators
Member, National Academy of Distinguished Neutrals
Member, Maritime Law Association of the United States
Board of Directors Member, Foundation for Washington State Courts
Member, William L. Dwyer Inn, American Inns of Court
Vanguard Award, King County WA Women Lawyers, 2012
Member, Washington State Bar Association, 1981 – Present
Past Memberships:
Board of Directors Member, Dispute Resolution Center of King County
Member, King County Boys and Girls Club Corporate Board of Directors
Member, Seattle Academy of Arts and Sciences Board of Trustees
Member, Community Day School Association Board of Directors
Member of Board of Directors, Washington Physicians Health Program
J.D., University of Puget Sound School of Law (now Seattle University), 1981
B.A., St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota, 1978